Air Curtain

Air Curtain

An air door or air curtain is a device used to prevent air or contaminants from moving from one open space to another. The most common use is a downward-facing blower fan mounted over an entrance to a building, or an opening between two spaces conditioned at different temperatures.

  • Air curtains are made up of low/heavy gauge bodies with high-pressure air flow and specially designed grills
  • Protects the enclosed areas from dust particles, flying insects and it curtains cooling loses, wherever uninterrupted passage. It is having low noise and maintenance
  • Widely used in pharmaceuticals, food processing units, cold storage, textiles, hospitals, electronics and computer manufacturing units
  • It can be applicable at airport, bank, hotels, factories, auditoriums, cold storages, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, shopping arcades, textile mills, laboratories, manufacturing units, offices, electric arc furnaces, etc

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